Books by Ilene S. Lefcourt
Mothers and Daughters: The First Three Years
by Ilene S. Lefcourt
Forthcoming 2025
Mothers and Daughters: The First Three Years offers a new perspective on early female development and the origins of mother-daughter relationship pleasures and stresses. In addition to emotional development and the impact of mothers’ childhood memories on mother-daughter interactions, this book explores the enmeshment of personal and cultural themes. Through the lens of female empowerment, mothers’ memories are integrated with cultural changes to discuss raising the next generation of successful women.
When Mothers Talk: Magical Moments and Everyday Challenges from Birth to Three Years
by Ilene S. Lefcourt
When Mothers Talk is an intimate book about early child development and motherhood which offers practical information that rarely gets talked about. Ilene Lefcourt sensitively links mothers’ childhood memories with current mother-child interactions and details mothers’ unfolding insights. Vivid examples of mothers’ memories, with hidden answers to typical questions and concerns, trigger the reader’s own memories, self-reflection, and new ideas.
“When Mothers Talk is a treasure - an original, creative window into the experiences of mothers and babies.” Beatrice Beebe, Ph.D. Clinical Professor of Medical Psychology, Columbia University Medical Center; Faculty, Columbia Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research. Author, The Mother-Infant Interaction Picture Book: The Origins of Attachment
“Having a child is an extraordinary opportunity for self-understanding. When Mothers Talk is an opportunity for every mother to take a journey with this exceptional expert leader.”
Nadia Bruschweiler-Stern, M.D. Pediatrician, Child Psychiatrist, Supervisor at the University Hospital of Geneva, Director of the Swiss Brazelton Center. Author, The Birth of a Mother
“When Mothers Talk is a rare gem to keep close. Ilene Lefcourt integrates decades of scientific research with her extraordinary empathic imagination.” Susan Coates, Ph.D. Clinical Professor Medical Psychology Columbia University. Faculty, Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research; Author, September 11: Trauma and Human Bonds
“An insightful journey of self-discovery that embodies the wisdom of mothers’ reflections and the developing mind of babies and toddlers.” Alicia F. Lieberman, Ph.D., Professor, University of California San Francisco; Irving B. Harris Chair in Infant Mental Health; Author, The Emotional Life of the Toddler
“A pioneer in the field of 0 to 3, Ilene Lefcourt synthesis a huge body of literature on memory, theory of mind, infant development, and intersubjectivity into a beautifully written guide to the entwined minds of babies and their mothers…” Susan Scheftel, Ph.D. faculty, assistant clinical professor of Medical Psychology in Psychiatry Columbia Psychanalytic Center for Training and Research
Mother-Baby-Toddler Group Guide
A Psychodynamic Approach
by Ilene S. Lefcourt
The Mother-Baby-Toddler Group Guide is a handbook for leading groups, teaching child development, and early intervention. The guidelines provide a detailed psychodynamic approach to resolve typical developmental and mothering difficulties that arise during the first three years of life. Difficulties are resolved before they become entrenched and escalate into disorders. This is the first psychodynamic group guide to extend the infant mental health focus on treatment, to include prevention.
“This extremely clear, and richly illustrated guide captures the details of and psychodynamic principles at the core of infant mental health efforts today.” Daniel Schechter, M.D. Director, Perinatal and Early Childhood Ambulator Care and Research, Department of Psychiatry, Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland
“This is a very kind book. It is kind to the reader because it is so clear, informative, and hopeful; it is eminently kind to the mothers, babies, and toddlers.” Anne Alvarez, PhD, M.A.C.P. Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist, Tavistock Clinic, London. Author, The Thinking Heart
"This thoughtful guide embodies the author’s profound understanding of mother-child relationships in the critical first three years of life." Tessa Baradon, Parent-Infant Project, Anna Freud Centre; Co-Director International Training School for Infancy and Early Years.
“The Guide derives much of its power from the wealth of narratives describing the way the group-leader recruits mothers’ memories from their own childhoods to give meaning to current problems with their babies and toddlers.” Alexandra Harrison, MD, Training and supervising Analyst, Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute; Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School. Founder, Supporting Child Caregivers - Infant-parent mental health training non-profit throughout the world.
Parenting and Childhood Memories
A Psychoanalytic Approach to Reverberating Ghosts and Magic
by Ilene S. Lefcourt
Parenting and Childhood Memories is a collection of stories about the ways in which parents’ childhood memories influence their current interactions with their babies and young children: the ghosts and magic of our minds. This book explores the underlying meanings of parents’ memories and the everyday life stresses of parenting. Ilene Lefcourt demonstrates that a parent’s ability to nurture a young child’s emotional health is promoted by uncovering the links between the past and the present.
"Ilene Lefcourt gives us a highly original, lyrical book of parent-infant stories that beautifully illustrate how parents come to have deep empathy for their children and for themselves. This book is a gem.” - Beatrice Beebe, PhD, Clinical Professor of Medical Psychology, Columbia University Medical Center; Author, The Mother-Infant Interaction Picture Book
“This book is a gift to parents, mental health clinicians, and everyone interested in how we become who we are.” Alicia F. Lieberman, Ph.D., Professor, University of California San Francisco; Irving B. Harris Chair in Infant Mental Health; Author, The Emotional Life of the Toddler; Angels in the Nursery
“This book draws the reader in and enchants while at the same time illustrates essential ideas about the challenges infants, young children, and their parents face daily. Like fairytale classics, you will want to re-read it again and again.” - Daniel Schechter, MD, Director, Perinatal and Early Childhood Ambulator Care and Research, Department of Psychiatry, Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland
“This wonderful book is perfect for anyone who was ever a child… It reveals the triumphs and tragedies of being a human raising humans.” - Susan Vaughan, MD, Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research; Author, The Talking Cure